• 2002-03-17

    /me sighs. power outage at home last night. uptime go down the hooooole. crudpuppy’s uptime was around 103 days. oh well.. gives me some time to do some maintenance.

  • 2002-03-08

    switched caffeine.nu to a php interface. yay. been listening to the anniversary most of the day. their first album rocks so much. oh yeah.. the guestbook is non-functional for a little bit. i’m working on learning some php+mysql so i can make it not so hacked.

  • 2001-12-31

    man, have i been bored today. i was so bored that i actually did productive stuff. most obviously, the redoing of caffeine.nu at port eighty. before i hopped onto html, i compiled some stuff on erwin’s freebsd partition, namely gnome 1.4. it’s not bad visually, but it could be a little more faster. it’s pokey pokey ^v^. later on today (after i wake up), i shall head over to the doctor’s lab for a little new years shindig. get to hang out with some people i talk to all the time, but rarely see. fun. on the music front today, i’ve been listening a lot to dance hall crashers who are a sort of ska’ish band. good stuff. oh well.. lemme know what you think of the new look of the page via guestbook or email or whatever. i doubt people who look at this (nobody) don’t know how to contact me otherwise. peace outside.